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At St.Rita's: In case of emergency, please call the Rectory anytime. If you would like the priest to bring Communion to the sick and shut-ins, please call the Rectory. Joined to Christ, Witnesses of Hope and Healing ![]() Through the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, the Church carries out Jesus’ mission of compassion and healing for the sick. The one who is ill can also be a minister to others. By uniting their suffering to Christ, those who are sick can be signs of faith and witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection to the entire community (Pope John Paul II, Christifideles Laici [The Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World], no. 54). A Communal Celebration Connection to the Communion of Saints Imitation of Christ’s Compassion In the Gospels, Christ’s great compassion toward the sick is expressed in the miraculous healings he performs, which heal the entire person, both body and soul. Parables such as the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:29-37) and the Judgment of the Nations (Mt 25:31-46) urge Christ’s followers to share his ministry of compassion and healing and to imitate his “preferential love for the sick” and all who suffer (CCC, nos. 1503, 1506; Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis [Sacrament of Charity], no. 22). Solidarity with All Who Suffer By our compassion, we remind those who are sick that “[the Church] shares your suffering. She takes it to the Lord, who in turn associates you with his redeeming Passion” (Synod of Bishops, Per Concilii Semitas ad Populum Dei Nuntius, no. 12). We are called to comfort, pray for and with, and be in solidarity with all who are sick or suffering. Caring for those who suffer is not a burden, but a gift. Those who care for the sick do holy and important work; they walk with Christ’s suffering people and in doing so, serve Christ himself (Mt 25:31-46). Those who minister to the sick and who work to secure decent health care for all become “the living sign of Jesus Christ and his Church in showing love towards the sick and suffering” (Christifideles Laici, no. 53). Union with Christ’s Passion
Beacons of Hope
Pope John Paul II wrote, “Even the sick are sent forth as laborers into the Lord’s vineyard” (Christifideles Laici, no. 53). As the sick unite their sufferings to those of Christ, they become bearers of the joy of the Holy Spirit in the midst of affliction and witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection. Anointing of the Sick testifies to the fact that all are called to participate in the redemption of the world (Sacramentum Caritatis, no. 22). We all have a role in sanctifying and building up the Church, whatever our physical condition. As the Synod of Bishops told an audience of sick and suffering persons, “We need you to teach the whole world what love is” (Per Concilii Semitas ad PopulumcDei Nuntius, no. 12).
A Witness to Dignity |